08-08-2012, 03:11 AM
I don't know what is the best method to use the input. I think it depends on how the layout you want and how you want to modify your usercp_profile template.
Please remember that by default, for the inputs, this plugin doesn't touch a required field, except for the Regular Expression setting (I don't want to remove it, because I really need the regular expression for some of my textbox). So, if you want to modify your usercp_profile template, try to think where the required field should be displayed (for example if you want to use tabs in the template) first.
Some references in this thread:
If we want displaying the input manually in usercp_profile template:
Creating textarea or textbox input manually (using {VALUE} element):
Displaying a default textarea and/or textbox (using {INPUT} element):
Basically, for textarea and textbox, if we want to use textarea or text input tags, we can use {VALUE} for the value of the input. With this way, we can modify the input (for example, we can use our textbox as color picker or date picker - validate it using the Regular Expression setting).
For the checboxes and/or radio buttons, here is a simple example for modifying it:
In profile page (if we don't hide it):
Unfortunately, I can't help much with it because I think it's a subjective taste.
As I said in the first post, I'm not a coder, so I can't make it as a complex system. I really hope later we'll have a complex system like XThreads for custom profile fields.
I'm sorry if I misunderstand what you mean, Lee.
Please remember that by default, for the inputs, this plugin doesn't touch a required field, except for the Regular Expression setting (I don't want to remove it, because I really need the regular expression for some of my textbox). So, if you want to modify your usercp_profile template, try to think where the required field should be displayed (for example if you want to use tabs in the template) first.
Some references in this thread:
If we want displaying the input manually in usercp_profile template:
Creating textarea or textbox input manually (using {VALUE} element):
Displaying a default textarea and/or textbox (using {INPUT} element):
Basically, for textarea and textbox, if we want to use textarea or text input tags, we can use {VALUE} for the value of the input. With this way, we can modify the input (for example, we can use our textbox as color picker or date picker - validate it using the Regular Expression setting).
For the checboxes and/or radio buttons, here is a simple example for modifying it:
- Title: Favourite Games
- Short Description: What is your favourite games?
- Selectable Options?
Code:Morrowind Oblivion Never Winter Night 2 Gothic 3 Final Fantasy VII
- Custom Input:
HTML Code<br /> <table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder"> <tr> <td class="thead"> <div class="float_right smalltext"><func htmlspecialchars_uni>{$xtpf_data['description']}</func></div> <strong><func htmlspecialchars_uni>{$xtpf_data['name']}</func></strong> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="trow1"> <div class="float_left">{VALUE$1}</div> <div class="float_left">{VALUE$2}</div> <div class="float_left">{VALUE$3}</div> <div class="float_left">{VALUE$4}</div> <div class="float_left">{VALUE$5}</div> </td> </tr> </table>
- Formatting Map List:
Code:Morrowind{|}<img src="images/myimages/morrowind.jpg" alt="Morrowind" title="Morrowind" /> Oblivion{|}<img src="images/myimages/oblivion.jpg" alt="Oblivion" title="Oblivion" /> Never Winter Night 2{|}<img src="images/myimages/nwn2.jpg" alt="Never Winter Night 2" title="Never Winter Night 2" /> Gothic 3{|}<img src="images/myimages/gothic3.jpg" alt="Gothic 3" title="Gothic 3" /> Final Fantasy VII{|}<img src="images/myimages/ff7.jpg" alt="Final Fantasy VII" title="Final Fantasy VII" />
- Display Format:
Code:{VALUE$1} {VALUE$2} {VALUE$3} {VALUE$4} {VALUE$5}
In profile page (if we don't hide it):
Unfortunately, I can't help much with it because I think it's a subjective taste.
As I said in the first post, I'm not a coder, so I can't make it as a complex system. I really hope later we'll have a complex system like XThreads for custom profile fields.
I'm sorry if I misunderstand what you mean, Lee.