Nope not sure what I would edit. And no, there are no other copies.
Well then try editing the template - just make sure to revert it afterwards.
Um... How can I make this feature available for other groups?
hi can anyone confirm this is compatible/working with the latest mybb version?
You need to explain what you're doing more.
If you're doing a multi-thread purge, make sure you only select deleted threads.
Hey, I have a question. Sorry that it's not particularly on topic, but the way mybb now supports the soft delete function isn't quite like yours. For the current myBB version, how would I go about making the deleted posts show up small like that with a manage or view button? All I have been able to do was collapse the post siza via CSS. 90% of my users are aused to VBs way of doing what you have here and it is indeed more convenient. I would be super greatful for your insight.
Is there a template I can edit? I think I have to do some php FileZilla magic, but I am lost, admittedly.
Edit: Is this the purpose of the plugin??? If so, than I am an idiot.