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I think he's referring to the per forum settings (when you go to edit a forum), such as template prefix etc. These can only be set on a per forum basis, there's no "batch edit" and I don't think there ever will be.
MyBB isn't really designed for people with lots and lots of forums, and many settings cannot be set across multiple forums, so XThreads will follow MyBB's suit.
If you're confident with SQL, you can run a query and then rebuild the xt_forums cache.
Thing is Zinga, if the issue is with a custom thread field, that is IN a template, unless he is a total pudding and has made a set of templates per forum all using the same fields, then I cant see why an edit of the custom thread field and the template wont "fix" his somewhat unclear issue.....
(12-18-2010 06:59 PM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]The link works fine, the function itself works perfectly, if I were to type it into the url it would do just fine. It just doesn't show up on the template, that's all, and I can't figure out for the life of me why. It's just a problem I'm wanting to fix that's been there for AGES and has been bothering me.
I don't know why the
{$lang->send_thread} value can't be displayed in your showthread template. The variable and its value already there in your showthread.lang.php. Except there is a plugin "overrides" the language variable value.
(12-19-2010 12:03 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Thing is Zinga, if the issue is with a custom thread field, that is IN a template, unless he is a total pudding and has made a set of templates per forum all using the same fields, then I cant see why an edit of the custom thread field and the template wont "fix" his somewhat unclear issue.....
It's unclear because you're not listening to me. I've stated very clearly each and every issue I'm having, and this has absolutely NOTHING to do with me using a development version of the software. If it'll get you off my back and make you feel better I'll downgrade, but that really doesn't matter at all because it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the issue I'm dealing with (which existed before xthreads, I was just asking for some help with it while i was dealing with another issue).
My age shouldn't matter, but I'm certainly not a teenager and don't appreciate the comment. Like i said, I'm going to detail very clearly each problem I'm having with screenshots so it's not so "unclear". I'll repost soon.
(12-19-2010 02:58 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ] (12-18-2010 06:59 PM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]The link works fine, the function itself works perfectly, if I were to type it into the url it would do just fine. It just doesn't show up on the template, that's all, and I can't figure out for the life of me why. It's just a problem I'm wanting to fix that's been there for AGES and has been bothering me.
I don't know why the {$lang->send_thread} value can't be displayed in your showthread template. The variable and its value already there in your showthread.lang.php. Except there is a plugin "overrides" the language variable value.
I guess I'll have to start deactivating plugins to see what's going on.
Zufu, here's what I am gonna do. You go and do your plugins and whatever, I will put you on ignore. If your response to someone trying to help you is as childish as harhar, then your physical age can be whatever you like - your mental age is clear.
It doesn't make any sense to me why you've got to keep being a jerk to me. I'm just looking for a little help and you keep taking what I'm saying as if I'm intentionally trying to hurt your feelings or something. Look, you keep misunderstanding what I'm saying and if you find my response to be 'childish' and arrogant in any way then I'm sorry for that. We're both misunderstanding each other, and it would be very appreciative that instead being a jerk and trying to ignore me if, if you REALLY intended to actually help me, you stop and take a second to understand what I'm saying and why I'm saying it. It's NOT to offend you, it's to better explain the problem. You might be annoyed by my responses, well I have to tell you re-explaining something because you can't freaking figure it out six times kind of pisses me off too, so maybe, if you want to act a little more mature than "You hurt my feelings, I'm just going to ignore you now!" kind of high school crap, then let's trying growing up a bit, eh?
There's I've said my spill. I tried to talk to you about this kind thing in private message, but hey, you want to start a public fight, I'm ok with that too, doesn't bother me one bit. I don't intentionally try to piss people off, and if I feel that something might be taken offensively I try to put it a way that'll let you know it's not meant to be offensive, like saying "lol" or "haha" to give a lightened mood. But if you want to act like this, fine, you can go screw yourself. I don't mind one bit telling you how I feel about that, not one single bit. I'm going to make a new thread, and I'll better explain my issues. Put me on ignore if you like, someone else who actually gives a crap will respond.
I think what MasterZuFu meant is these settings:
And he asked how to set the same settings in more than one forums without needed to set it up forum per forum (one by one).
If so, I think Yumi already answered it.
(12-20-2010 04:14 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]I think what MasterZuFu meant is these settings:
And he asked how to set the same settings in more than one forums without needed to set it up forum per forum (one by one).
If so, I think Yumi already answered it.
Yes, that's what I was talking about

and Yumi did answer it here:
(12-19-2010 12:01 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I think he's referring to the per forum settings (when you go to edit a forum), such as template prefix etc. These can only be set on a per forum basis, there's no "batch edit" and I don't think there ever will be.
MyBB isn't really designed for people with lots and lots of forums, and many settings cannot be set across multiple forums, so XThreads will follow MyBB's suit.
If you're confident with SQL, you can run a query and then rebuild the xt_forums cache.
I suppose I'll have to learn some SQL queries there anyway to disable quoting in the article forum? When someone quotes an article with photos, the photos break my margins! I'd rather disallow quoting.
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