(11-25-2010 05:06 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ] (11-25-2010 04:57 AM)RocketFoot Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I'm using the standard {$newpost} language in the atcgal_showthread bit right now. (Just like in the original Article Gallery example)
Do you mean {$newreply} variable?
Opps, yes...newreply is correct.
Basically, I need to replace {$newreply} with an image link...

So, you didn't create the reply link manually in the
atcgal_showthread template, right?
(11-25-2010 05:08 AM)RocketFoot Wrote: [ -> ]Basically, I need to replace {$newreply} with an image link...
You should get the New Reply button provided by the theme you used. Or, do you want it custom just for your Article Gallery only?
Weird thing is that the theme does not use traditional buttons...it uses CSS3 for the new post button but I had to add the buttons for the postbit. Kind of strange, but I love the theme!
I need it custom for the article galley and youtube video gallery. I can probably do the second myself if I have a pattern to work with, LOL!
You can create a new
atcgal_showthread_newreply template in global template, something like this:
<a href="newreply.php?tid={$tid}"><img src="path_to_image/comment.png" alt="Add Comment" title="Add Comment" /></a>
That seems to have worked! Now, i can do the same for the youtube gallery?
Yes. Just use YouTube Gallery template prefix.
Excellent! I got them both working with your help! Thanks again!!

Glad you can solve the problem, RocketFoot

I'm learning, but I' still be lost without you guys!

I'm learning too, RocketFoot
Oh, yes, BTW, may I add your Article Gallery and your YouTube Video Gallery as one of a Live Demo in the example post?