12-18-2010, 07:55 AM
(12-18-2010 06:17 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]For number one, I think its a setting. EDIT: Try checking in User Groups miscellaneous that you have "Can send thread to a friend" ticked. I think this also allows members to email each other.
It's not that, the link is there, the image is cut in half but the link doesn't show. i'll post a screenshot.
(12-18-2010 06:17 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]For number two, ensure that you have Show first post on every showthread page set to yes in the forum settings.
Ugh....>_>....this is why I wish the XThreads Options were not ONLY on every individual forum, but were generically set just like the Custum Thread Fields are >_>. Ok, I'll go through and change that, thanks

(12-18-2010 06:17 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]For number three, try thread preview plugin - look in RateU's sig for tips http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=267
I have that plugin installed already, I had also done the Thread Description Custom Thread Field. I had the CTF enabled before I had done this and didn't realize it would create this bug. The problem already exists >_> and the only way it seems I can fix it is if I change all the categories on existing threads.
That's another thing that looks like was left out, I wish there was an ability to select all threads in the forum and change their categories. Currently, you have to edit the thread to set the category. Is there a way to make this one of the mod options?
(12-18-2010 06:43 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]What bug? What do you mean by "the send email isn't working"?
I'll post a screenshot of the issue. The link works fine, it just doesn't show unless it's hard coded.
(12-18-2010 06:43 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Ugh..... I've missed that important setting?
How stupid I'm!
I've updated the first post.
Thank you very much
And I'm really sorry for that trouble.
Not stupid at all, that's a lot of code and a lot of setting to sift through, very easy and simple to miss a step, and not that big a deal. I can just change them, no worries

(12-18-2010 06:43 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah. Like Lee said, the "description" generated automatically by Thread Tooltip Preview plugin.
But if you want to use the XThreads Thread Description, you need to find this code in atcgal_forumdisplay_thread template:
And replace it with your XThreads Thread Description variable.
I understand that, but the problem is that BOTH the Xthreads Thread description AND the Thread Tooltip Plugin were enabled at the same time when I initially setup the articles application. Because there were existing threads in those sections, they didn't have a Thread Description, and the Tooltip Plugin was being overran by the Thread Description, so it defaulted to NO description at all and I have to manually edit each and every thread. Is there a way to manually override these? I can turn the Thread Description off on these select forums and is there like some kind of way to "reset" the Article Application so that it'll use the Tooltip Plugin?
Here's the code that in my show thread template now (part of the code anyways). I had to hard code it so the image and link shows up.
and screenshot: