Yeah, I think I'll stick with fit on page...I just need to get it working right. That would be awesome if RateU can write something that will pop out the full sized image when you click on the smaller one!

Why not do that in CSS? You can put a hover class on it.....
You can put that code RateU gave in the style tags in the css I think it would be like
.atcgal_fp img: hover{max-width: 100%;}
(12-15-2010 03:27 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Why not do that in CSS? You can put a hover class on it.....
You can put that code RateU gave in the style tags in the css I think it would be like
.atcgal_fp img: hover{max-width: 100%;}
Interesting! That would be a cool effect. How would I do it exactly? I am terrible at CSS...LOL
Well its a hover _ I am not that great at css either, but you can try by putting it in the stylesheet. It wont break anything.
I added it to the bottom off my stylesheet but it didn't have any effect.
OK. I've downloaded the plugin. And try to look at it.
Try this:
Edit your
atcgal_showthread template, find this (if you still have the edit before):
<div class="atcgal_fp">
Change the class to id. Something like this:
<div id="atcgal_fp">
Then, open your jscripts/fitonpage.js file.
Find this:
Javascript Code
(fitonpage_location == "showthread" && resize_img.descendantOf('posts'))
Add this code after the code above:
Javascript Code
|| (fitonpage_location == "atcgal_showthread" && resize_img.descendantOf('atcgal_fp'))
Then, put this code before the </head> tag in your atcgal_showthread template:
Javascript Code
<script type="text/javascript" src="jscripts/fitonpage.js?ver=230"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var fitonpage_on = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_enabled']}";
var fitonpage_resize = "400";
var fitonpage_fluid = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_fluid']}";
var fitonpage_topbar_resized = "{$lang->fitonpage_topbar_resized}";
var fitonpage_topbar_full = "{$lang->fitonpage_topbar_full}";
var fitonpage_topbar_text_class = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_topbar_text_class']}";
var fitonpage_topbar_bground = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_topbar_bground']}";
var fitonpage_topbar_icon = "{$mybb->settings['g33k_fitonpage_topbar_icon']}";
var fitonpage_location = "atcgal_showthread";
Holy Crap! That worked perfectly! are a genius!
Thank you! Thank you Lee also!
Now I wonder if the same technique would apply to the ProPortal?