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Ok thanks it works.
Now i did a little change in the file so clicking the image sends you to the thread
in mnu.. find
$mnuplrts_links = '<a href="'.get_thread_link(intval($mnuplrts['tid'])).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars_uni($GLOBALS['parser']->parse_badwords($mnuplrts['subject'])).'">'.$mnuplrts_subject.'</a>';
add a new line with this code
$mnuplrts_linktothread = '<a href="'.get_thread_link(intval($mnuplrts['tid'])).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars_uni($GLOBALS['parser']->parse_badwords($mnuplrts['subject'])).'">';
Now in Template Sets » Global Templates » mnlrprofile_thread_title_post_icons delete all and put
<td class="{$altbg}" width="1" valign="middle" align="center">{$mnuplrts_linktothread}{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['timg']['value']}</a></td>
to make the post preview send to the thread too:
find mnlrprofile_thread_title_thread
<div class="post_body">{$mnuplrts_postpreview}</div>
delete and paste IN THE SAME PLACE
<div class="post_body">{$mnuplrts_linktothread}{$mnuplrts_postpreview}</a></div>
What exactly can be put in "Blank Replacement Value" for image files?
Essentially whatever you want? HTML, variables, conditionals etc.
It's what's displayed if the user hasn't given a value.
ok, got it. And the value is placed in {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['timg']['value']}, {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['timg']['url']} remains null.
Oh I see - yeap, that is correct.
thank you so much.
how image clearity of thumbnail to be increases?i read rateu post he mention "You can try to set the Image Thumbnail Generation setting to an higher value, for example: 120x120. Edit the Display Format to use {URL}/thumb120x120, but keep the width and height at 80." but to enter
but keep the width and height at 80
can i put link of that thread inside image so it will open thread directly rather than clicking thumbnail image on thread open actual size of uploaded image.
thank you.
(12-03-2011 08:27 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]If you have root permission on your server, ensure the temp directory is writable by the webserver/PHP process.
how can i check temp directory is writable?
(11-17-2012 07:03 PM)WINBOY Wrote: [ -> ]how image clearity of thumbnail to be increases?i read rateu post he mention "You can try to set the Image Thumbnail Generation setting to an higher value, for example: 120x120. Edit the Display Format to use {URL}/thumb120x120, but keep the width and height at 80." but to enter but keep the width and height at 80
You need to specify what you're actually doing - RateU's post was directed at quite a specific circumstance. In which case, he was referring to HTML width/height dimensions (as opposed to thumbnail generation dimensions).
(11-17-2012 07:03 PM)WINBOY Wrote: [ -> ]can i put link of that thread inside image so it will open thread directly rather than clicking thumbnail image on thread open actual size of uploaded image.
Replace {URL} with {$threadurl}
(11-17-2012 07:03 PM)WINBOY Wrote: [ -> ]how can i check temp directory is writable?
Did you read the posts after?
I put this line:
PHP Code:
in portal_announcement template but thumbnail is not show up?
(08-21-2014 05:12 PM)anhmjn Wrote: [ -> ]I put this line:
PHP Code:
in portal_announcement template but thumbnail is not show up?
Try with
PHP Code:
<img src="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['timg']['thumbs']['change this, for example: 240x180']['url']}" alt="{$thread['subject']}" title="{$thread['subject']}" />
(08-21-2014 09:26 PM)nier3 Wrote: [ -> ] (08-21-2014 05:12 PM)anhmjn Wrote: [ -> ]I put this line:
PHP Code:
in portal_announcement template but thumbnail is not show up?
Try with
PHP Code:
<img src="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['timg']['thumbs']['change this, for example: 240x180']['url']}" alt="{$thread['subject']}" title="{$thread['subject']}" />
Thanks, but still doesn't show up

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