How to upgrade without losing any info? Just upload the file or does it need installed?
(04-24-2010 10:22 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Upgrade Instructions: unless stated otherwise, the general procedure for upgrades is to simply upload the new files, then visit your AdminCP. In there, you'll be presented with a notice to run the upgrade - just follow what it says from there on.
No losing any info at all

Thanks RateU, I will give it a try in the morning.

The xThreads doesn't work on Apart themes... A create a new thread and the fields don't appear.
(08-09-2010 10:03 AM)Minnemann Wrote: [ -> ]The xThreads doesn't work on Apart themes... A create a new thread and the fields don't appear.
You need to make sure that the template edits are performed.
If you installed the theme after installing XThreads, the edits probably aren't performed.
Check the
modified templates post to see what templates are modified.
Are you sure that the link you gave me is correct? I do not see any templates, C
Read the second posts in this thread (at the first page).
I recently installed MYBB 1.6 and the long awaited (by me at least) MyNetwork Plugin. Sadly, there was a conflict with XThreads and PHP Conditionals in Templates. I contacted Tomm over at Xekko and he has got it working for me, which is really cool.
Apparently there are still some conflicts, mainly due to a different programming approach I think. Anyway, I just wanted to report it to you ZiNgA BuRgA, the relevant thread is over at Xekko here:
Thanks for reporting leefish
Basically, my code will accept his intervention, but his code won't accept mine (it assumes nothing has modified target behaviour). I guess, in a sense, it's okay as his changes does try to get his plugin take priority over others so that he can do his patching before mine, so it works for all practical purposes, though I guess I personally don't like that approach. (unfortunately, PHP in Templates patches at a much earlier time than his plugin, so PHPTPL needs amending)
Hi ZiNgABuRgA, yes I saw the thread over at Xekko. Most of it was a bit over my head but apparently you and Tomm know what to do.
And grumph over the scruffiness of my forum

. I do try and keep all plugins and stuff neat and organised in the FTP and ACP, apparently I shall have to try harder.