(02-06-2011 05:01 AM)RocketFoot Wrote: [ -> ]Will the upgrade effect any existing xthread forums?
I've upgraded and I don't find any problem with it

It will break existing forums if you have MyNetwork installed. Deactivate MyNetwork before upgrading your xthreads.
OK...I'm good! I don't see any problems! Thanks!

Does the upgrade still conflict with MyNetwork?
(02-06-2011 09:32 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Does the upgrade still conflict with MyNetwork?
Yes it does...I think it's the Profile system of MyNetwork that's causing the problem.
The other day Tomm used my board to test 1.1 of My_Network - getting it working with XThreads is a big priority for him. There were a couple of issues - so he went off to work on them - I will install 1.4 and offer up leefish again to be his guinea pig.
EDIT: Hmm, not good - even with MYNetwork deactivated I was unable to get the uploader to run.... I will contact Tomm.
I recall trying last time but didn't get an issue. IDK, but if someone can provide step-by-step instructions, starting from a clean install, on how to reproduce a problem, I'm will to at least try and have a look.
A question about radio buttons/list boxes in custom thread fields.
I am using XThreads 1.4 on a friends forum, and I am trying to make a thread layout where in the first post 4 threadfield options are visible to group A and those 4 options and two additional options are available to group B. This thread layout will be used by both groups.
If I set the field to any setting other than Everyone(required) then I get this ugly (not set) value showing on the fields input on new thread, but if I set the fields to Required then the two groups can't share the same set up - and I kind of wanted them both in the same forum (Its a list of answers to an invite list).
Is there a way round this? It says in the thread fields that we can get more exotic arrangements via template edits but I have no idea where to start - and would that even solve the "problem"?
You can't actually assign permissions to individual values unfortunately.
Maybe I can add that in though - with the new ACP editor I added in, it might not be too bad...
But if you want to do it now and don't mind template edits, you could hide the input field, and use template conditionals to hide certain items in the listbox. Set the editable to Everyone (required), and it should automatically select the first visible item.
Note that this isn't a true "block" as groups could theoretically set other values through request forging.
Well, its more that its the two extra fields - its a wedding thing - ceremony, lunch and party. Not everyone is invited to the lunch, so I don't want them to see a field saying are you attending the lunch.... so thats a separate field. It also helps to keep the filtering simple - I am hoping to use the new sorting url you see. Its hiding the NOT SET line that I am after really - can that be done do you think?