yes just pulling it from another thread which is the thread the user specified
Well yeah, you're going to need some plugin/code modification for that unfortunately...
does xthread have hooks? maybe i can do one plugin perhaps
and the specific hook for getting the xthreadfield posted/included in the thred?

oh currently i can't understand the query part...
yeah i get the query part but how to get the threadfields ?? are they in the GLOBAL var??
i don't get it, prefixes with atf. D:
Hi Zinga,
Great plugin! I have 2 questions:
- I read in the description "Although not an added template, you can also customise the various postbit* templates through postbit_first*, which will only apply to the first post." Call me stupid, but I have no idea where to find this postbit_first template. It is not listed in the postbit section?
- Is it also possible to add custom fields to posts? I added some fields to the threads but I would also like to have some of those added to the posts.
Thank you!
(06-01-2011 11:28 PM)Erain Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea where to find this postbit_first template. It is not listed in the postbit section?
You need to create it.
(06-01-2011 11:28 PM)Erain Wrote: [ -> ]- Is it also possible to add custom fields to posts? I added some fields to the threads but I would also like to have some of those added to the posts.
Do you mean by "
posts" is the replies? The custom fields in
newreply page like in the
newthread page?
Yes I mean the replies. Is it possible to add custom fields for those as well?
I installed XThreads and it seemed to go ok until I noticed most of my admin menu was missing.
All I had was "Home" and "Configuration"
"Forums & Posts" "Users & Groups" "Templates & Style" and "Tools & Maintenance" were just not there.
I deactivated it and then uninstalled it but they were still missing.
I then restored files and database from a backup I had taken just before installing and everything was back to normal.
My forum has been customised by the previous owner and runs a custom theme.
I exported this theme and did a fresh install of mybb elsewhere on my server.
I imported the customised theme
I installed XThreads
It looked fine. No missing menu items.
I added all my plugins back in 1 at a time.
Everything works and looks fine.
Any ideas
It was 1.42 in a 1.63 forum
PHP 5.2.9
mySQL 5.0.92
installed and active:
Signature Control (1.1_03)
Akismet (1.2.1)
Bad Behavior (1.0.0)
Board Messages (2.0.1)
Spider Bots (1.1)
User IP Log (1.1)
Multiple Registrations Detector (1.1)
Recent Topics Index Page (1.0.2)
Spoiler BBCode (1.6)
Stop forum spam (1.2)
not activated:
Hello World! (1.0)
Login Password Conversion (1.0)
Nofollow Signatures & Member Websites (1.1)
WoW Item Links (1.0.2)
not installed but in the list:
myxbl (3.1)