Yes, the upgrader handles everything.
Another small update to v1.25:
- grab forum id from posthandler array rather than global variable (better compatibility with other plugins) (thanks to leefish for the report)
- check postkey before modifying xtattachments (related to MyBB bug [])
- fix MIME type detection in xthreads_attach.php with mime_content_type() and finfo_file()
- add support for proxy redirect responses (aka X-Accel-Redirect or X-Sendfile); this is only useful to you if you use a front-end webserver to serve static files and proxy PHP requests to an upstream webserver. To enable this, you need to edit the 'PROXY_REDIR_HEADER_PREFIX' define in xthreads_attach.php (see instructions in the comments). You may also wish to disable the "xthreads_attach.php/..." type URL, as it may interfere with your extension matching - you can do this by adding the line "@define('ARCHIVE_QUERY_STRINGS', 1);" near the top of inc/plugins/xthreads.php Note: I have not tested this feature yet
- remove "XThreads File Download" WOL text in forum editing - it never was used anyway, and probably never will be
- fix threads per page and posts per page overrides not being applied everywhere (eg search results page; still not applied in archive)
- minor AdminCP language string modifications
Thank you very much for the update, Yumi

in my forum have a error,
in Add Thread Field, when you set Editable by / Required Field? = Custom
it didn't work is the same when Editable by / Required Field? = Not Editable
i select all my User Groups, and the thread Fields don't show, when i will add a thread
(07-28-2010 11:35 AM)llnn Wrote: [ -> ]in my forum have a error,
in Add Thread Field, when you set Editable by / Required Field? = Custom
it didn't work is the same when Editable by / Required Field? = Not Editable
i select all my User Groups, and the thread Fields don't show, when i will add a thread
I can't seem to reproduce.
Have you checked which forums you've applied the thread field to?
Otherwise, could you give some steps on how to reproduce on a clean MyBB install with only the plugin installed?
in admincp go in users, select you, and add a Additional User Groups: moderators and Registered,
in Custom Thread Fields>>Add Thread Field
- Title: Test
- Key: Test
- Applicable Forums : MyForum
- Input Field Type: textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Custom (specify usergroups)
- Editable by Usergroups: Select Registered, moderators, administrators
Go to Forums / My Category / My Forum / New Thread
And Thread Fields don't show
i saw the function xthreads_filter_tfeditable, and when you have Additional User Groups, $mybb->usergroup don't have gid, if you don't have Additional User Groups, $mybb->usergroup have ['gid']

Ahh, additional usergroups, didn't think of that. Okay, I'll take a look into it.
Thanks llnn

Alright, here's a fix for the usergroups thing.
Updated to v1.26:
- slight modification to random attachment name generator (suggestion by Ryan Gordon)
- fix for secondary usergroups (thanks to llnn)
Hope that fixes it llnn, if you still have problems or notice anything, please feel free to post back.

I just finished reading xthreads_attach.php and it looks great

Going to try something similar myself on my localhost - I've never tried to do fread and then echo it to "split" the download into various segments.
Great work once again zinga
Thanks for the update Zinga
Just awesome plugin idea and realization