Just make a non-editable field and create a custom moderator tool. Get the moderator tool to set the value to what you need, eg:
blah blah. Last edited by {$mybb->user['username']}
Make a text field (datatype=integer), only editable by moderator and hide the input field. Let's say the key is "last_edited_by". In editpost template, stick code such as
<input type="hidden" name="xthreads_last_edited_by" value="{$mybb->user['uid']}" />
Now when a moderator edits the thread, his/her user ID will be saved to the field.
ahh I get it now

thanks! but hmm.. i'll just try to customize the xthread plugin, wherein if the hidden field is different from the one in the database, then clear the message

@ Yumi: Personally, I'm very glad with XThreads performance. I've got the exact number:
181 custom thread fields

The cache used for this is 157.98 KB (based on MyBB datacache).
Row size: 1,072 B.
Almost all filterable fields use Listbox.
Well, it seems that I'm too far from the limit, Yumi

Any chance I can get someone to upload this in .zip format? I'm not able to convert it from .7z and can't install any new software. Thanks!
I think you can download it from the github (I think it is in .zip format).
Choose 1.42 version (not the dev version).
(04-10-2011 05:08 AM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]Any chance I can get someone to upload this in .zip format? I'm not able to convert it from .7z and can't install any new software. Thanks!
There's also
7-Zip Portable if you can't install, for whatever reason.
The problem is I can't execute any unauthorized exacutable files. But I got it now

I got a problem with Forum Default sort options again
When a guest is viewing the forum with a different sort options (e.g. File Upload: Update Date, blah blah), it will not be applied to the guest users until they log in. So, guest users wouldn't experience how the threads should be sorted properly (in this case, by Update Date, blah blah) and i think this bug doesn't apply all the time since the thread being replied was about december last year, but logged in users doesn't experience this problem
and note:: only old threads, i guess
(04-10-2011 10:31 AM)MasterZuFu Wrote: [ -> ]The problem is I can't execute any unauthorized exacutable files. But I got it now 
One would wonder how you'd upload files in that environment (authorised FTP app?, Windows built-in FTP (eww)? or fancy web interface which can auto unzip?)...
(04-10-2011 12:34 PM)jim7777 Wrote: [ -> ]I got a problem with Forum Default sort options again 
When a guest is viewing the forum with a different sort options (e.g. File Upload: Update Date, blah blah), it will not be applied to the guest users until they log in. So, guest users wouldn't experience how the threads should be sorted properly (in this case, by Update Date, blah blah) and i think this bug doesn't apply all the time since the thread being replied was about december last year, but logged in users doesn't experience this problem
and note:: only old threads, i guess
Have you set the Hide Input Field of the file thread field for guests? Sorting is disabled if that's set. If so, you may wish to consider not hiding for guests and use a conditional to hide what you want from guests.