Thank you very much, Yumi

updating this won't mess up any current mods with xthreads, correct?
yeah Its Work!, Thanks =D
(07-29-2010 10:12 PM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]I've never tried to do fread and then echo it to "split" the download into various segments.
That should be the standard way of processing large files for any language though...
MyBB's echo file_get_contents is hopeless for larger files, since file_get_contents reads the whole thing into memory. Weirdly enough, PHP's fpassthru also reads the entire thing into memory...
(07-30-2010 08:12 AM)Shemo Wrote: [ -> ]updating this won't mess up any current mods with xthreads, correct?
Yes, you are correct.
Thanks for the other comments

(07-30-2010 07:20 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ] (07-29-2010 10:12 PM)Pirata Nervo Wrote: [ -> ]I've never tried to do fread and then echo it to "split" the download into various segments.
That should be the standard way of processing large files for any language though...
MyBB's echo file_get_contents is hopeless for larger files, since file_get_contents reads the whole thing into memory. Weirdly enough, PHP's fpassthru also reads the entire thing into memory...
I know but since I had never coded anything to output large files, only to download files (using fwrite) in C, I didn't really know how exactly it worked.
Is xthereads compatable with 1.6?
Yes. You can the compatibility in first post. It is compatible with 1.4.x and 1.6.x.
Thanks ZingaBurga, updating.
Even though "only" two bug fix, but this new version "fixed" some "problem" I found:
1. Hide Forum feature can hide Category forum type.
2. Category forum type can use forumbit_depth1_cat template.
3. Hiding a forum which has the last forum order in a category will not hide the Category.
(07-30-2010 06:30 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ] (07-30-2010 05:30 AM)RocketFoot Wrote: [ -> ]Second, when I try to hide the forum in the edit forum settings, the entire category disappears.
(should be visible to guests)
Try to set the forum order, so, the forum order is not the last forum in that category. I think you have 7 forums under the Tech Forums category, and the The 7173 Wiki forum is the last forum there (the 7th forum). Try to set it to lower order, e.g: 6. Just make the The 7173 Wiki forum not the latest forum in the Tech Forums category. I don't know why this happens if we hide the latest forum in a category.
4. Hide Forum feature can hide a forum which has sub forums.
5 A forum which has sub forums can use forumbit_depth2_forum template.
6. Hiding a sub forum which has the last forum order in a forum will not hide the forum.
I think it is what Yumi meant by "fix a bug in handling forumbit_* template prefixes with nested forums" ?
I can eliminate some of my own plugins now with this update

Thank you very much for the update, Yumi