That will work just nicely...thanks RateU!
Updated to v1.337:
- fix XSS exploit in xtattachment
- fix glitches with edit->preview post
- fix small glitch in creating a new thread where it may be possible for the subject to disappear
- support for multiple template prefixes on a forum; specify a list of prefixes you want, separated by commas. XThreads will try the prefixes in the order specified until it finds a template. Note that this does not work for the search_* and portal_* templates - only the first prefix in the list will be used.
- use template prefixes (and enable $forumurl variables) in announcements (which are applied to a specific forum), and forum rules page; also fix the same thing with polls.php
- fix hide forum and forumbit_* template prefix handling with deeply nested forums
- fix variable scope with variables in strings for "template" (display format) conditionals
- incorporate changes in v1.3 of Template Conditionals plugin
- support tabindex property for custom thread field inputs on editpost/newthread; there's a new "tab stop" option for custom thread fields to allow admins to control this
- xtattach URL fetching will now error out if the response code is not 200
- ping DB after URL fetching
- improve URL fetching with PHP's fopen wrapper; also fixed some issues with socket based fetching
- added basic Javascript listbox next to Text Mask Filter textbox in add/edit threadfields screen to perhaps make things easier for people who don't know PCRE by supplying some presets
- export internal defines to cache file (allows them to be modified and changes retained in upgrades)
- display threadfields on editpost (not just only when preview post option is used)
- fix some type juggling checks
- add ability to filter threads by uid/lastposteruid/prefix/icon - edit forum settings to enable; for the $filters_set array, it's the same as with regular threadfield filters, except use {$filters_set['__xt_uid'][...]}, {$filters_set['__xt_lastposteruid'][...]} etc instead; note that this also adds to the {$filters_set['__all'][...]} array (also, nullactive/active still set to "filtertf_active" when necessary)
- always pull postbit_first* and showthread_noreplies templates, even without First Post at Top forum option enabled
- add forum option: hide in breadcrumb path - this will hide the forum in the forum breadcrumb path, but will still be shown if it's the active forum
(11-04-2010 02:06 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ][*]improve URL fetching with PHP's fopen wrapper; also fixed some issues with socket based fetching
fopen itself is
a wrapper?
PHP's fopen wrapper =
a wrapper created for the fopen functions?
Probably already found the answer:
PHP comes with many built-in wrappers for various URL-style protocols for use with the filesystem functions such as fopen() ...
fopen — Opens file or URL
Thanks for the update.
Whooo yeah! Thanks for the update.
Thank you Thank you Thank you...Now we can finally filter by thread prefix.
I never really understood why this isn't core MyBB anyway. Would make the core thread prefixes much more powerful.
Great update, thank you very much zinga !
Thank you very much for the update, Yumi

This plugin just keeps getting better and better.
The customization possibilities are endless. Can't imagine not using this !
I have an idea, Yumi.
How about having a link like « Next Oldest | Next Newest » default MyBB link in show thread, but has a different behavior?
I mean, the link will lead us to the next newest/oldest thread, not to the next newest/oldest lastpost.
So, I think we can use it for something like Previous Stuff | Next Stuff, depends on our application.
I'll think about it - thanks for the suggestion.
My current thought is that it's an idiocy of MyBB's design, so better belongs in a separate plugin.