I thought that the plugin uploader didn't support .7z though...?
hi, i have a question about XTheads.....
i install this plugin and i think that i have a forum....without limits!!!!
i create a Custom Post field and this field is present when i create a new thread.....everything is ok!
i want to know if there is a way this field to be present into the poll create template......for example when i add the poll option i want to select the value of my custom field into the same template...
(08-17-2012 09:08 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I thought that the plugin uploader didn't support .7z though...?
Yes, it doesn't support .7z files. But what I mean is, the error is not caused by installing XThreads using the Plugin Uploader.
This is what I did to reproduce the error in my test board, Yumi:
- Upload XThreads files manually.
- Upload Plugin Uploader, activate it.
I get the error (even without activating XThreads).
@tempo: Do you mean that the options in the poll using the custom fields options?
no, i mean that i want to put the Custom post field (for example a textbox waiting for me to input data) into the poll create template....
If you want to fill the input fields (the custom fields) when creating a poll, I think you can't do that (the create poll is available after the thread already submitted).
yes, this is what i want.
i try to add {$extra_threadfields} into the newpoll template but nothing is happen....
@RateU: i saw that there is a lot (esay or complex) applications on your post.
Do you have any idea to create a quiz application (using multiple choice or true/false questions) using XTheads?
(08-18-2012 04:47 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, it doesn't support .7z files. But what I mean is, the error is not caused by installing XThreads using the Plugin Uploader.
Oh I see, thanks.
(08-15-2012 08:37 PM)sulitnet Wrote: [ -> ]Hello please help. when i installed this plugin there is an error shows at the top.. see screenshots.. below...
![[Image: attachment.php?aid=894]](http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/attachment.php?aid=894)
Haven't tested, but see if this fixes it.
Open up inc/xthreads/xt_install.php
PHP Code:
Replace with
PHP Code:
if($mybb->input['action'] || !is_object($GLOBALS['table']))
It fixes the "conflicts", Yumi.