You'll need to ensure that all the files in the cache directory are writable, not just the directory itself.
That issue is likely caused because cache/xthreads.php isn't writable, hence XThreads isn't able to update the marked version.
okay successfully
I changed chmod to 777 xthreads.php
Thank you so much ZiNgA BuRgA

Hello guys, is this compatible with the new mybb version 1.8?
The development version (on Github) has experimental 1.8 support.
I haven't really heard any feedback on how well it works.
Ok thanks sir!
Btw, if my forum is fine should i really switch to mybb 1.8 now? Because i got a bunch of important plugins esp xthreads and i'm sure half of those wont work using v1.8.
(09-19-2014 04:34 AM)xboris2010 Wrote: [ -> ]Btw, if my forum is fine should i really switch to mybb 1.8 now?
That's your decision to make.
showthread_noreplies Wrote:<!-- template to be used if there are no replies to a thread. For this to work with quick reply properly, you should uncomment and use the following -->
I think this is no longer in 1.8, not in my board at least. Will try on a default installation as soon as I get the time to do so.
Thanks for pointing that out. Actually, it only works if a postbit_first template is being used, which isn't clarified in the "documentation", which I'll fix.
I'm actually using the
postbit_first tempalte. Probably being called out via
postbit_first_classic using
<template postbit_first> if that matters.
Anyways, in `inc/xthreads/xt_updatehooks.php` find:
PHP Code:
$js = '
<script type="text/javascript">
$("xthreads_noreplies").style.display = "none";
Change to:
PHP Code:
$js = '
<script type="text/javascript">
It now works. AFAIK ids start with # on jQuery, and hide() is preferable btw.
In 1.8 users may be able to delete their own threads. Which works via AJAX for administrators and probably regulars users just see their post go away. Haven't actually tested this so don't take me for granted.